Yazı tarzı ve anlatımındaki sıradışılığından ötürü üniversite yıllarımda tanıştığım İhsan Oktay Anar, Amat romanı ile beni yine mest etti. Tarihi kişilikleri, olayları, efsaneleri ve kitapları alıntılayarak gibi görünerek kendince oynamalar yaptığı ve sürreal bir ortam oluşturduğu romanlarında çok akıcı, aynı zaman da bir o kadar keyif verici kurgular buluyorum. Sizlere de tavsiye ederim.
Amat'ı okumadan evvel Puslu Kıtalar Atlası, Kitab-ül Hiyel ve Efrasiyab'ın Hikayeleri okumuş idim. Kitapların uzunluğu 250 sayfayı geçmiyor. Ama her bir kitap farklı bir konu üzerine odaklanıyor ve Türkçe'mizde kullanılan ama temelinden bihaber olduğumuz konulara, sözcüklere ışık tutuyor.
Amat ile ilgili birkaç yazı daha oluşturma niyetindeyim; ama bu yazının muhteviyatı Yavuz Sultan Selim'in küpesi olacak. Dileğim, önce Amat'ın ne ile ilgili olduğundan bahsetmek daha sonra da bu kitabın Yavuz Sultan Selim'in taktığı iddia edilen küpeye nasıl bağlandığını yazmak.
Kitabın konusu, Amat adlı bir gemi ile Akdeniz'de sefere çıkan ve 17. yy Osmanlısı zamanında geçen bahariyecilerin öyküsünü ele alıyor. Kitap boyunca denizcilik terimleri, o zamanlar kullanılan top çeşitleri, gemi türleri, dönemin sosyo- ekonomik yapısı gibi muhtelif konular farklı hikayelere atıflarda bulunarak ve sanki var olan kaynaklardan yararlanılarak okuyuculara aktarılıyor.
Kitabın üçte birine geldiğimde gemideki vardiya sisteminden bahsediyordu yazar. Iskança vardiya saati vaktinde, tayfanın özellikleri tanımlıyordu. İşte o pasaj. Ama öncesinde bilmeyenler için ıskança tayfanın nöbet değişimi demek.
"... Başaltını boşalttıktan sonra az zaman geçmişti ki birinci vardiyanın yorgun, pestili çıkmış neferleri nefes nefese içeri girdiler... Kurt gibi aç oldukları için kuzineden gelecek yemeği bekliyorlardı. Tuzlu ve kuru besin yüzünden dişlerinin hemen hepsi döküldüğü için olsa gerek, yumuşasın diye peksimetlerini ıslak bezlere saran bu ademoğulları, ilk başta pek de o kadar itimat telkin etmiyordu: Bu deniz kurtlarının hemen hepsinin sol kulaklarında altın yahut gümüş küpeler, sol omuzlarında ise akçelerini ve değerli eşyalarını sakladıkları gümüş pazubentleri vardı. Göğüs kıllarını tıraş etmişler, fakat sadece bir tutam bırakıp bu kıllara da incik boncuklar düğümlemişlerdi. Suratları güneşten kırış kırış olmuştu. Gögüslerinde ve yüzlerinde saldırma, yatağan ve kavela yaraları vardı..."
Yukarıdaki pasajı okuyanlar ne ilgisi var şimdi yazılanların Yavuz Sultan Selim Han ile diyebilirler. Ben de hemen aynı gün denkgele okuduğum Murat Bardakçı'nın şu yazısı sayesinde bu bağıntıyı kurdum. Haberin ayrıntıları için verdiğim bağlantıyı kullanabilirsiniz- ben yazının bu konuyla ilgili kısmını burada aktaracağım.
Yavuz'a ait olduğu söylenen Topkapı Sarayı'ndaki meşhur küpeli tablo aslında Şah İsmail'e aittir. Şah İsmail, Şiiliğin yanısıra eski bir Türk tarikati olan Hayderi- Kalenderi inancının liderlerindendir ve küpe de bu inancın sembolüdür.
Murat Bardakçı'nın bu konuya giriş yapmasının sebebi Türkiye Dışişleri Bakanlığı'nda görev yapan tek küpeli diplomattır. Bu diplomat, merak edenler için adı Hüseyin Avni Karslıoğlu, küpesinin ilhamının Yavuz olduğunun ve 'Nasıl ki Yavuz, kendisinin Allah'ın ve halkın hizmetkarı olduğunu ifada etmek için küpe taktıysa, ben de bu sebepten küpe takıyorum.' açıklamalarını yapmıştır.
Murat Bardakçı'nın tarih konusundaki bilgisine saygı duyuyorum ve aktardıklarını sizlerle paylaşıyorum. "Hayderilik 1221'de ölen Kutbüddin Hayder isminde bir derviş tarafından kurulmuştu, daha önceden mevcut olan güçlü bir tarikatin, Kalenderiliğin bir şubesi sayılırdı ve o devirdeki tarikatlerin en marjinali idi... Hz. Ali'ye duydukları aşırı bağlılık ve günlük hayattan uzaklaşıp kendine mahsus bir dünyada yaşamak hem Hayderiliğin hem de Kalenderiliğin temeli teşkil ederdi. Dervişler saçlarını, kaşlarını, kirpiklerini ve hatta göğüslerinin kıllarını bile tıraş ederler, göğüslerinde bir tutam kıl bırakır ve bu tutama tek bir inci tanesi geçirirlerdi."
Bu bağlamda Amat'taki ıskançada Hayderi- Kalenderiler görevi devralıyordu. Bu tarikat hakkında diğer ilginç bir özellik ise sevilen tatlılardan keşkülün ad babaları olmalarıdır. "Bu tarikata mensup kişilerin belli bir yerleri yoktu, bazen tek başlarına, bazen de birarada gezer ve çoğu zaman dilenerak aldıkları yiyecekleri bellerine astıkları 'keşkül' dedikleri tas koyar ve o tasta yerlerdi. Sonraki asırlarda 'keşkül-i fukara' denen tatlının adı, işte dervişlerin bellerinde taşıdıkları bu tastan geliyordu..."
Gelelim artık bu hikayenin küpeyle olan bağlantısına. Kalenderi ve Hayderi dervişlerinin çok belirgin bir başka özellikleri daha vardı: Kulak memelerinden birini deler ve bu deliğe demirden bir küpe geçirirlerdi. Genellikle halka şeklinde olan ve 'mengüş' denen bu küpeler aynı zamanda İslamiyet'ten de önceki bir inancı, güneşin gücünü temsil ederdi! Demir halkanın yerini, zamanla bu yola bağlı olanların mali güçleri ölçüsünde taktıkları ve altından inciye kadar uzanan kıymetli taşlar ve madenler alacaktı...
Amat ve Yavuz Sultan Selim Han arasındaki bağlantı bu hikaye özelinde şimdilik bu kadar. Kitapta daha onlarca bu tarz en azından benim yakalayabildiğim atıf var. Böyle bir kurguya merak duyanlara şiddetle tavsiye ederim.
29 Şubat 2012
Yavuz Sultan Selim'in küpesi
Yazar Burada Ne Anlatmış:
ihsan oktay anar,
yavuz sultan selim
22 Şubat 2012
II. Mahmut ve validesi Nakşidil Sultan
Blogun trafiğine baktığımda belli aralıklar ile II. Mahmut hakkında Doğuş'un yazısına erişim görüyorum. Doğuş'un yazısından II. Mahmut ile ilgili yenilikçi, devrimci ve modernleşme yanlısı bir padişah olduğunu anlayabilirsiniz. Bu yazıda ise sağda solda okuduğum ve bana ilginç gelen II. Mahmut ile bağlantısı olan kişiler, olaylar ve yerler arasından seçtiğim bir kişiye odaklanacağım. Belki II. Mahmut ziyaretçileri için faydalı olur.
- II. Mahmut hakkında bana ilginç gelen nokta validesi Nakşidil Sultandır. Sözcük anlamı gönül resmi/ süsü. Türk tarihçileri tarafından Kafkas kökenli bir Müslüman kızı olduğunu söylenen Nakşidil Sultan, aslında bambaşka bir hikayeye sahip. Kime göre? Fransa'daki araştırmacılara göre.
Bizim kaynaklarımızda I. Abdülhamit'in kızı Esma Sultan'ın yalısında büyüdüğü ve yetiştirildiği söylenir Nakşidil Sultan'ın. Ortaköy Camii'nin yanındaki zamanında yanarak tahrip olmuş ama dış duvarları restorasyon geçirmiş ve günümüze kadar ulaşan yapıdan bahsediyorum.
Hikayeyi ilerletmeden evvel I. Abdülhamit'in II. Mahmut'un babası olduğunu, yani II. Mahmut ile Esma Sultan'ın kardeş olduğunu belirtmek isterim. Fransız kaynakları II. Mahmut ile Nakşidil Sultan arasında 9 yaş fark olduğunu ileri sürerek, Nakşidil'in aslında II. Mahmut'u evlat edindiğini söylüyorlar. Pek çok kaynakta ise Nakşidil Sultan'ın doğum tarihi 1768, II. Mahmut'un ise 1785 olarak yazıyor. Fransız iddiaları ile kıyaslandığında öz annesi olabilecek kadar yaş farkı mevcut nihayetinde.
Ara not düşeyim: Muhteşem Yüzyıl'ın getirdiği tantana ile beraber geçen yıl TRT'de Nakşidil Sultan dizisi çekilmeye başlanmıştı; ama çok uzun ömürlü olmadı dizi ve 3 bölüm çekilip yayından kaldırıldı. Bizim tarafımızda Nakşidil Sultan hakkında ilk kez bir eser oluşturulma çabasıydı. Hürrem ve Kösem Sultan isimleri üstüne çok yazılıp çizilmişse de Nakşidil Sultan hakkında neredeyse hiç yazı yoktur. Öte taraftan Fransızlar bugüne kadar 170 tane kitap, belgesel ve film üretmiştir.
Fransızların Nakşidil Sultan'a bu kadar ilgi duymaları boş değil. İddialarına göre Nakşidil Sultan ile Napolyon Bonapart'ın eşi Josephine kuzendiler. O zamanlar Fransa kolonisi olan, bugün ise Fransa'nın denizaşırı ili konumundaki Martinique adasında zengin bir ailenin kızı olarak hayata gözlerini açtığını söyler Fransız kaynakları. Adı Aimée Dubuc de Rivery'dir. (Alakasız not1: basketçi Ronny Turiaf da Martinique adasında büyümüştür. Alakasız not2: Martinique, bir Fransız ili olduğu için her ne kadar Karayipler'de olsa da Avrupa Birliği üyesidir.)
Anlatılanlara göre Aimée eğitim için gittiği Fransa'dan memleketine dönerken Cezayirli korsanlar tarafından kaçırılır ve hediye olarak dönemin Osmanlı padişahı I. Abdülhamit'e verilir. Fransız kaynakların hikayelerinin doğruluğunu kanıtladığı yönünde iddia ettikleri bir olay II. Mahmut'un oğlu Abdülaziz'in Fransa ziyareti sırasında yapılan bir açıklamaya dayanmaktadır:
Avrupa'ya ziyarete giden ilk ve tek padişah olan Abdülaziz, III. Napolyon'un davetlisi olarak Paris'te bulunmuştur. Bu ağırlama sırasında Josephine'in torunu olan III. Napolyon, Fransız basınına Abdülaziz ile akraba olduklarını söylemiştir. Abdülaziz de bu hikayeye göre Nakşidil Sultan'ın torunu olduğu için çember tamamlanmış oluyor.
1989 yapımlı the Favorite filmi bu hikayeyi konu alıyor. Meraklıları için duyurulur.
Anlatılanlara göre Aimée eğitim için gittiği Fransa'dan memleketine dönerken Cezayirli korsanlar tarafından kaçırılır ve hediye olarak dönemin Osmanlı padişahı I. Abdülhamit'e verilir. Fransız kaynakların hikayelerinin doğruluğunu kanıtladığı yönünde iddia ettikleri bir olay II. Mahmut'un oğlu Abdülaziz'in Fransa ziyareti sırasında yapılan bir açıklamaya dayanmaktadır:
Avrupa'ya ziyarete giden ilk ve tek padişah olan Abdülaziz, III. Napolyon'un davetlisi olarak Paris'te bulunmuştur. Bu ağırlama sırasında Josephine'in torunu olan III. Napolyon, Fransız basınına Abdülaziz ile akraba olduklarını söylemiştir. Abdülaziz de bu hikayeye göre Nakşidil Sultan'ın torunu olduğu için çember tamamlanmış oluyor.
1989 yapımlı the Favorite filmi bu hikayeyi konu alıyor. Meraklıları için duyurulur.
09 Şubat 2012
milliyetcilik hakkinda bir makale
zamanında aldığım insanlık ve toplum dersleri kapsamında yazdığım ve çekmecemde bulduğum başka bir makalemi sizlerle paylaşıyorum. belki ödev falan yaparken işinize yarar. ya da ne bileyim ilginizi çeker, okursunuz.
"A nation is a large-scale solidarity, constituted by the feeling of the sacrifices that one has made in the past and of those that one is prepared to make in the future." (Ernest Renan) Since the French Revolution fundamentally changed the world demographic structure, there have been very different theories trying to explain the reason behind the increasing number of various nations. Thinking nation as a constitution that is formed by race, language, religion and geography is very common, but this way of thinking blocks the facts behind the nationalism which creates a problematic issue and makes it harder to see the reasons of constituting nations is actually spiritual that are based on remembering the past and celebrating the present together.
Nation is not depended on race, religion, language or geography. Firstly, to base on nation to race is not acceptable since ancient Egypt or China is nothing but flocks led by the Son of the Sun or by Son of Heaven, says Renan. Nation is not an antiquity term; it is relatively new term. (Nearly after the French Revolution, it became a real difficult issue) If race were so dominant to determine the nations, it would be very hard to continue the European civilization which is generally constituted by the multi-ethnical countries like Germany, England or France. Instead of being seperated in themselves, they actually form a new kind of sense of belonging together: European Union. Secondly, geography and borders are not very important components to determine the nation so that they are very abstract and temporary in uniting people. And also border cannot be source of forming a nation since it is actually created by the people on the maps. For example, several years age in Turkish film called "Propaganda" there was a scene that showed a man and a woman, who were from the same village before State seperated their village while forming frontiers of the country, kissing each other while there is a wire fence (border) between them. This shows us that border cannot avoid people to have same sense and belonging together. Lastly, religion and language is thought to be the essence of the nation but when one examines the examples, it is very brief that there is nothing more false than this idea. For instance, Prussia where only German is now spoken, spoke Slav a few centuries ago. In Switzerland, there are four different languages to be spoken. Additionally, when one looks at the today's nations, it is very clear that in the same nation there are Muslims, Catholics, Orthodoxes, Protestants and Jewish living together. All of the conditions show us that in order to have a nation, it is not a necessity of having same religion, race or language. As a conclusion, it can be clearly seen that race, geography and language which are very useful tools to unite people, are not very determining factors on nations.
In creating nation what is more important and crucial factor than race, language and geography is unity and forgetting the past identity that helps state and little groups to gain advantages socially and economically. "Nation building" was a functional requirement of modernization. Modern economics required a literate, educated workforce which in turn required integrating the lower classes into a common culture through standardized public education, Kylimcka proclaims. When one looks at the United States, it can be clearly observed that the immigrant, education and social right policies are formed for the continuity of the American economy. There is no bad effect on immigrant when they follow the mainstream and oney the general will (speaking same language and knowing the same history); the system, which connects the minority to the common, is beneficial both for state and themselves. But when the issue is taken from another side, the whole story is different. Nonimmigrant minorities, like native-born Americans are being faced with the oppression of the learning English and speaking it and sharing the history not to avoid the integrity of the mainstream economy or policy. (Kylimcka) It is very brief to understand that erasing the minor differences in country by the tool of education is required for state to continue its economical activities. In William Kylimcka's work "Misunderstanding Nationalims", the national idea first arose among the elites to use it for their purposes. For instance, nationalism helped French and Russian nobility in their battle with absolutist monarchs or German intellectuals in their desire for social acceptance. These are other examples of using nationalism as a tool for someone's advantage. As a conclusion, the core of the economy that depends on the unity of society makes living everyone's own culture harder so it is nearly impossible for state to treat each of its citizens equally. The minor differences must be erased to make people forget their origin and feel a part of big picture with education so as to continue the mainstream activities of the whole. The quotation from Tamir fits the situation: "Nations are cultures that provide their members with meaningful ways of life across the full spectrum of human activity- economic, political, educational and religious)."
As a result, in the lights of what is mentioned above, the nation is not an ancient term. It is formed and has become meaningful with the process of human history through politics and economics. Race, language and religion are very useful tools to unite people by erasing their difference with education for the same purpose. The states can be seen as "organizational cultures", as Anthony Smith calls, that give direction to people's life socially, economically, religiously and educationally. The conflict between coercive State that tries to continue its existence and the people who have their own moral values, historical habits and traditions will probably be there in the history until State can be based on the democratic principles that everyone could live his or her identity and culture.
"A nation is a large-scale solidarity, constituted by the feeling of the sacrifices that one has made in the past and of those that one is prepared to make in the future." (Ernest Renan) Since the French Revolution fundamentally changed the world demographic structure, there have been very different theories trying to explain the reason behind the increasing number of various nations. Thinking nation as a constitution that is formed by race, language, religion and geography is very common, but this way of thinking blocks the facts behind the nationalism which creates a problematic issue and makes it harder to see the reasons of constituting nations is actually spiritual that are based on remembering the past and celebrating the present together.
Nation is not depended on race, religion, language or geography. Firstly, to base on nation to race is not acceptable since ancient Egypt or China is nothing but flocks led by the Son of the Sun or by Son of Heaven, says Renan. Nation is not an antiquity term; it is relatively new term. (Nearly after the French Revolution, it became a real difficult issue) If race were so dominant to determine the nations, it would be very hard to continue the European civilization which is generally constituted by the multi-ethnical countries like Germany, England or France. Instead of being seperated in themselves, they actually form a new kind of sense of belonging together: European Union. Secondly, geography and borders are not very important components to determine the nation so that they are very abstract and temporary in uniting people. And also border cannot be source of forming a nation since it is actually created by the people on the maps. For example, several years age in Turkish film called "Propaganda" there was a scene that showed a man and a woman, who were from the same village before State seperated their village while forming frontiers of the country, kissing each other while there is a wire fence (border) between them. This shows us that border cannot avoid people to have same sense and belonging together. Lastly, religion and language is thought to be the essence of the nation but when one examines the examples, it is very brief that there is nothing more false than this idea. For instance, Prussia where only German is now spoken, spoke Slav a few centuries ago. In Switzerland, there are four different languages to be spoken. Additionally, when one looks at the today's nations, it is very clear that in the same nation there are Muslims, Catholics, Orthodoxes, Protestants and Jewish living together. All of the conditions show us that in order to have a nation, it is not a necessity of having same religion, race or language. As a conclusion, it can be clearly seen that race, geography and language which are very useful tools to unite people, are not very determining factors on nations.
In creating nation what is more important and crucial factor than race, language and geography is unity and forgetting the past identity that helps state and little groups to gain advantages socially and economically. "Nation building" was a functional requirement of modernization. Modern economics required a literate, educated workforce which in turn required integrating the lower classes into a common culture through standardized public education, Kylimcka proclaims. When one looks at the United States, it can be clearly observed that the immigrant, education and social right policies are formed for the continuity of the American economy. There is no bad effect on immigrant when they follow the mainstream and oney the general will (speaking same language and knowing the same history); the system, which connects the minority to the common, is beneficial both for state and themselves. But when the issue is taken from another side, the whole story is different. Nonimmigrant minorities, like native-born Americans are being faced with the oppression of the learning English and speaking it and sharing the history not to avoid the integrity of the mainstream economy or policy. (Kylimcka) It is very brief to understand that erasing the minor differences in country by the tool of education is required for state to continue its economical activities. In William Kylimcka's work "Misunderstanding Nationalims", the national idea first arose among the elites to use it for their purposes. For instance, nationalism helped French and Russian nobility in their battle with absolutist monarchs or German intellectuals in their desire for social acceptance. These are other examples of using nationalism as a tool for someone's advantage. As a conclusion, the core of the economy that depends on the unity of society makes living everyone's own culture harder so it is nearly impossible for state to treat each of its citizens equally. The minor differences must be erased to make people forget their origin and feel a part of big picture with education so as to continue the mainstream activities of the whole. The quotation from Tamir fits the situation: "Nations are cultures that provide their members with meaningful ways of life across the full spectrum of human activity- economic, political, educational and religious)."
As a result, in the lights of what is mentioned above, the nation is not an ancient term. It is formed and has become meaningful with the process of human history through politics and economics. Race, language and religion are very useful tools to unite people by erasing their difference with education for the same purpose. The states can be seen as "organizational cultures", as Anthony Smith calls, that give direction to people's life socially, economically, religiously and educationally. The conflict between coercive State that tries to continue its existence and the people who have their own moral values, historical habits and traditions will probably be there in the history until State can be based on the democratic principles that everyone could live his or her identity and culture.
Shibuya, Tokyo- Altunizade, Istanbul
Geçenlerde hayvan gibi trafik var yine İstanbul'da. 1. köprünün trafiği Anadolu'dan Avrupa'ya geçişte neredeyse Fenerbahçe Stadı'nın oradan başlıyor, 2. köprünün trafiği ise yine aynı istikamette neredeyse Dudullu otoban gişelerinden başlıyor.
Ben de baktım Ankara asfaltı açık, dedim kendime sür arabayı Nakkaştepe'ye. Gir köprüye ayaktan. Tabii bunları yaparken İBB trafik kullandım. Ha bir de size önerim mutlaka yolda taksim dolmuşu kovalayın. Sorabiliyorsanız sorun, soramıyorsanız takip edin.
Nakkaştepe'ye de gitmenin muhtelif yolları var. 1. çevreyolunda hayvani trafik olduğuna Ankara asfaltından gittim, Karacaahmet üstünden Altunizade'ye. Orada biraz cozuttu tabii trafik; ama neyse rahatça döndüm Bağlarbaşı Ermeni mezarlığını geçip köprüye giden yola. Tarihi bir yerleşim birimi olduğundan Osmanlıca, Arapça, Farsça, Ermenice, Musevice, Lehçe, Bulgarca ve aklınıza gelebilecek diğer dillerden bir sokak adı görmeyi beklerdim ama Shibuya Sokak görmeyi hiç beklemezdim.
Hayır sokağın girişine de baktım, daha önce Japonya'daki mabed ve tapınaklar ile ilgili yazdığım girdide bahsettiğim nitelikte bir mabed kapısına da sahip. Tam da Ermeni mezarlığına komşu. Hayır işin ilginci Ermeni mezarlığının da tam içinde Rum mezarlığı da var. Tam bir sentez olmuş.
Merak ettim araştırdım ne alaka Shibuya Sokak diye. Meğer zamanında Üsküdar kardeş şehir olan Japonya'nın Tokyo-Shibuya kentinden gelen misafirlerini ağırlamış. (Üsküdar Belediyesi'nin sitesinden alıntıdır.)
Eksisozlukte de boyle bir girdi yapılmıs zamanında: ermeni mezarına bakan duvarında "japonya - türkiye" arasındaki benzerlikleri gösteren bir çok fotoğraf vardır. bu fotoğraflar asılmadan önce "akdeniz fokları ölmesin ulan" yazısı vardı. benim için daha manidardı.
Not: Bağlarbaşı'ndaki Ermeni mezarlığında Türkiye'deki pek çok meşhur yapının mimarı olan köklü Balyan ailesi ebedi istirahatindedir. Merak edip araştırma yapmaya teşvik edici bir ayrıntı olması dileğiyle.
uretim araclari sahipleri ile emekciler arasindaki sonsuz zitlik
"It was conflict between the various classes, arising from the contradictions in any mode of production." Marx says about motor of history. Throughout history, it is obvious that there has been always a class struggle between basically two groups. In agricultural socities, it was landlords who kept the power versus peasants who worked for the master of land in order to continue their lives. (those peasents transformed into serfs in Middle Ages.) Today's industrial world, in Marx's words two classes are formed by bourgeoisie (i.e. the one who owns the capital) and proletariat (the one who sells his labour). Despite the conflict, there is an antagonistic dependence between those two groups. The reason behind the antagonism is that the owners of means of production need labourers to make profit by producing more, giving low wages to their workers and forcing them to work more; on the other hand the labourer, who try to gain better living conditions with different ways- for instance forming unions and seeking more rights- need the owners to continue their lives.
The first reason to have an antagonism is the bourgeoisie's aim to acquire more profit. In agricultural societies, the landowners used their lands as a tool of getting wealth. They recruited peasents to cultivate their lands, took taxes from those peasants and usually gave them just enough amount coin and land to reproduce themselves. Today's industrial capitalists' tool to gain more wealth is essentially factory. They have the means of production (machines, production apparatus, and raw materials) and capitalists employ workers to produce goods for gaining more wealth. But in order to increase the profit, capitalist always tries to limit the expense. In that sense, owner of the factory gives the wage at the minimum level or forces workers to work long hours for same amount of money for producing more so as to increase their surpluses. The purpose of listed activities is to increase the income and limit the expense as much as possible. In other words, the capital is based on the exploitation of the working class. To avoid being cut the source of money, capital gives opium for masses with the different kinds of ways such as religion, art and state. Religion is usually used for legitimizing the position of owner and worker; and also State is the insurance of capital with police and law to prevent the poor rebellion against riches and State provides security of private property. As a consequence, the owners of the capital always try to minimize the expense and maximize the income for raising productivity with numerous ways. They use state, law and religion to legitimize their actions and keep the workers numb to avoid rebellions of any sort.
Necessity of the capital for the workers to continue their lives is the second reason of the aforementioned antagonism. Workers, who were once upon a time peasants, had to work in factories in order to maintain their lives after the dispossession of the land they once cultivated. They worked to barely survive because they had nothing but their labour to sell. While doing that they wanted to true value of their work. Marx said: "It was the labourers whose work actually produced the good by their skills and effort, so they had the right 'the full fruits of their labour' or another way to say, surplus." Workers were living and working in hard conditions (basic housing without bath or toilet, working 14 hours a day, and getting low wage). Proletariat was not aware that they were really a group of people sharing the same economic and social conditions because of the effort that came from capital in order not to wake them up. The shared experience and awareness of exploitation is the basis of unified class action, as Marx called it "class for itself", workers rised up against system. For instance, in the period of 1780-1850, there were food riots, hundreds of strikes and demonstration in industrial areas. Thousands of men and women set up clubs, joined trade unions, went on strike, demonstrated and signed petitions. Fear of the losing the source of the money was the key factor of workers who gained rights from the owners. Gradually, workers gained access to education, had certain hours and limited age to work from state and rarely from the owner as in the example of Robert Owen- he prohibited children under 10 to work, freeing women to work, ensuring each child an education and he instituted old-age and disability pensions. Consequently, workers resisted the system to get better living and working conditions after they realized that they were actually being numbed by the owners of the means of production.
To sum up, all the examples show us that the conflict between owners of the means of production and the labourers are inevitable due to their natural economic interrelationship but also they depend on each other. Capital needs labour to produce good for making profit while labourers need bourgeoisie to get money for reproducing themselves. This mutual antagonistic relationship has always been there in the history with different class names and probably will be there until it changes into a system in which the sources are equally distributed.
08 Şubat 2012
Devlet ile ilgili bir makale
People, who are social creatures, act rationally and seek peace and benefit but when they face with problems they cannot be the ones who judge or regulate the society because of their self-interests. Throughout history, people always needed a higher institution to control the activities or relationships between each other and that is what is called 'State'. State developed in itself gradually and formed new tools to manage the society (bureaucracy, cash-based economy to name a few) and became more absolute and centralized in modern era. In order to avoid disputes within the society, a contract between society and higher institution, namely State, is inevitable because of rational, beneficial and co-operative nature of human.
State is a requirement for people to regulate their lives. Social theorists like Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, support this ide with their own interpretations. Hobbes approaches State as an legitimized and absolute power institution which provides peace, keep people in control and preserve the society's property and Hobbes sees the social contract unbreakable. For Hobbes, State is a requirement because people are destructive by their nature, without a coersive power there would be no security or moral order for anybody probably. The reason why Hobbes thinks that way is because he lived through the English Civil War.
An objection to Hobbes' idea is that people do not have to follow the social contract between the individual and State. Citizens may well brake the contract in a variety of ways, e.g. rebellion or revolution, and make the state legitimacy disappear. Locke thinks different about State from Hobbes in certain aspects. According to Locke, people are co-operative but they cannot solve their problems on their own since their self-loves make them partial to the matter. What Locke tries to articulate can be understood better with the following example. Consider there are 2 people. One of them cultivates wheat and has a very fertile land while the other one fattens a cow. In that specific case they are mutually dependent one another. Locke says if this is the situation between two people, there must be a similar situation in the society as well. Each and every individual in the society seeks benefit from various conditions and different people. In conclusion, society needs an upper power to regulate itself; but also this power needs citizens for continuity and legitimization.
In the lights of the text above, the state is required but what is there in the state is one critically important question to answer. Working and operating of the state is basically based on benefit because of power associated with it. Firstly, it is unavoiadable that State is a beneficial institution according to David Hume. The reason why State is beneficial is that it is all power game. Similar to Hume's idea, Karl Marx argues in his Manifesto that State is nothing more than a power tool which serves as security guard to perpetuate class domination, nobles over serfs, bourgeoisie over proleteria. It is about State secures one class to be more powerful. The fact behind why there is poverty in society, says Marx, is because the others have more money. State in that sense serves for specific groups' benefits and advantages. Secondly, citizens somehow should involve in controling the socieity for their benefits. John Stuart Mill, who is argued to be the father of liberal democracy, says: "The governors must be held accountable to the governed through political mechanisms- such as regular voting and the struggle among free opinion. That accountability alone can give citizens satisfactory means for choosing, authorizing and controling political decisions." Citizens would become happier when they vote because of the participation in controling the society for their own self-interests and utilities. It is again good for citizen to vote for his or her benefits. As a consequence, benefit determines the people's choices and gives direction the role and condition of state.
To sum up, there exists a couple of points where Marx is right about the function of state- poverty in society is undeniable; the powerful supresses the weak regardless of the dimension of the power; it is all for specific groups' benefits. But overall, Locke's idea seems more dominant that, because of citizens are co-operative and rational, State of Nature is inescapable. It is good for people to have a State that regulates conditions for themselves, giving health services and providing security from internal and external enemy despite the drawbacks that I mentioned above (poverty, suppression, partiality and the like). If there were no state today, the world would be much more difficult to live in.
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