"I don't know if this series can go to six if Kobe keeps playing like that."
Kevin Love

Yazı isteyen varsa güzel insan Bill Plaschke'ye yönlendirelim sizi... Giriş kısmı mükemmel özellikle. Zira şu maçtan Luke Walton'ın çok kritik anlardaki yararlı hücumu dışında yıllar sonra aklımda kalacak tek şey: Kobe'nin dişleri.
"Enough about his tumbling jumpers, his tentacle defense, his towering rebounds, his touch passing.
Did you see his teeth?
The story of the NBA Finals opener Thursday could be found in Kobe Bryant's mouth.
Seriously, did you see his teeth?
During the Lakers' 100-75 victory over the Orlando Magic, Bryant openly ground them as he ground his way to 40 points."